J L. 1789-1858 Comstock
Retrieve the information about J L. 1789-1858 Comstock and his books on the go! Keep your project up to date with the ISBNdb book database searchable via API with 19 data points per book available.
Outlines of physiology, both comparative and human: in which are described the mechanical, animal, vital, and sensorial organs and functions, also, ... female fashions and deformities : intended f
A system of natural philosophy; in which are explained the principles of mechanics, hydro-statics, hydraulics, pneumatics, acoustics, optics..
A system of natural philosophy: in which the principles of mechanics, hydrostatics, hydraulics, pneumatics, acoustics, optics, astronomy, electricity, ... explained, and illustrated by more than
Natural history of birds: with engravings on a new plan, exhibiting their comparative size, adapted to the capacities of youth, with authentic ... reflections, moral and religious, designed fo
An introduction to mineralogy; adapted to the use of schools and private students. Illustrated by nearly two hundred wood cuts
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